The Director Reviews...

The purpose behind these reviews is to give the public something I wanted, but never really got. A blow-by-blow, scene-by-scene review of a smoker. Knowing that most guys spend more time on the fast-forward button than on the actual movie (myself included), I always wanted a review which told me the basics. Who did who, when, how and how did it end.

So, I present to the 'Net community, something I never had, but have the power to give. Reviews.

A quick something about myself, I have been watching porn with great interest for the last 10 years. My first porn flick was Taboo II and since then I was hooked. I got interested in directing TV and theatre in high school, studied it in college, and won some awrds for it, to boot.

Does that make me qualified? Not necessarily, but I know what I like, and I can put enough words together to make a sentence, so why not.

Thanks again....

The Director

Post mortem - as you may well know, I have dropped out of the on-line adult film fan community; these reviews are presented and preserved for historical curiosity only. I doubt I'll be able to answer any e-mail regarding them.

Reviews: 64

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Date Created: Friday, August 18, 1995, 5:13:57 PM